
Katy Perry's Dad Calls Daughter 'Devil Child' and Wants People to 'Pray' for Her in Sermons

May 03, 2013 09:00:38 GMT

The 'I Kissed a Girl' singer's father, who serves as a guest speaker in American churches, claims that it's sad to see people worship his famous daughter instead of God.

Katy Perry's Dad Calls Daughter 'Devil Child' and Wants People to 'Pray' for Her in Sermons
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Katy Perry is labeled as "devil child" by her own father, according to British news outlet The Sun. Parents Keith Perry and Mary Hudson, who are currently touring American churches as guest speakers, also urged people to "pray for Katy" in a string of sermons.

During touring, the pair also reportedly showed a video which depicts the "I Kissed a Girl" singer as a "devil child" who needs "healing." Keith then recalled, "[Church attendees] ask how can I preach if I produce a girl who sang about kissing another girl?"

Keith also told the site that he sometimes shed tears when going to watch his daughter's live performances. He said that he once was among 20,000 people in his daughter's concert. "I'm watching this generation and they were going at it. It almost looked like church," he said.

He expressed his sadness that those people at the concert worshiped Katy instead of God. He added, "I stood there and wept and kept on weeping and weeping. They're loving and worshiping the wrong thing."

Prior to becoming a famous pop singer, Katy was a church singer. Having grown up in a strict Christian household, the ex-wife of Russell Brand clearly had a different mindset from her parents who are both evangelical pastors. "My mind has changed," she told Parade magazine back in 2012.

However, she said that spirituality was still a part of her life. "I don't go to one particular church," she said in an interview last July. "I'm open to the idea. It's just I haven't been able to in the past few years. But you know what? God is still inside of me and I still talk to Him every day."
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