
Danny Brown Gets Oral Sex While Performing Onstage

May 02, 2013 08:17:19 GMT

The Detroit rapper kept on rapping as a fan jumped on stage, flashed him and performed fellatio on him.

Danny Brown Gets Oral Sex While Performing Onstage
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Hip-hop recording artist Danny Brown was performing in Minneapolis' Triple Rock Social Club as part of his "The Old and Reckless" tour when he got more than admiration from one over zealous fan. The 32-year-old rapper reportedly received oral sex from one member of the audience on Friday night, April 26, but he surprisingly kept on rapping during the entire time that the shocking act was being done on him.

Brown apparently invited the crowd to come closer to him as he performed, easily prompting his female fans to start grabbing Brown's crotch. However, the invitation proved to be too irresistible for one sexually-charged concertgoer who joined him onstage, pulled down his pants and then performed fellatio on him.

The incident immediately went viral, with no less than fellow rapper Kendrick Lamar skeptically tweeting Brown about it with the message, "@kendricklamar: @XDannyXBrownX u really just got the head on stage stanny???" Brown tweeted back with, "<<<- and didn't miss one bar bruh bruh." The reply has since been deleted.

Brown's front act Kitty Pride had been among the first to put in her two cents worth on the controversy, writing an open letter where she describes the incident as "an actual sexual assault." The raptress says the whole thing would have been a "damn if you do, damn if you don't" scenario for Brown who would have been charged with assault if he had pushed away the fan or more so, would have been tagged gay if he had stopped her from giving him the sexual favor.
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