
'The Good Wife' EP Confirms Whom Alicia Chose to Be With in Season 4 Finale

April 29, 2013 08:16:08 GMT

Executive producer Robert King stresses that Alicia's decision with her career is related to the choice she made in her love live between Peter and Will.

'The Good Wife' EP Confirms Whom Alicia Chose to Be With in Season 4 Finale
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Alicia made two big decisions in the season 4 finale of "The Good Wife". In case some viewers didn't read between the lines what Alicia's career move meant for her personal life, executive producer Robert King has confirmed that both things were tied.

In an interview with TVLine, the series co-creator says that [SPOILER ALERT!] Alicia's essentially severing ties with Will when she decided to launch a new law firm with Cary. She explains, "She's leaving Lockhart/Gardner because she needs to create distance between herself and Will. She knows the kiss has opened a door and the only way to close it is to get away from him."

"We think she's [going to choose Will], but, in fact, she's phoning Cary in order to do the opposite: to create distance between herself and Will," she adds, stressing Alicia's choice, "She needs to stop sexually obsessing [over] Will, because she's with Peter now."

However, it doesn't necessarily mean the love triangle is over. Speaking prior to the April 28 finale, King said, "We really hew closely to real-life, which is that people certainly have the intentions of finality in their decisions. And sometimes they are final decisions and sometimes they end up not being the final decisions."

Star Josh Charles has also commented on the cliffhanger. "My first impression when I read [the script] was that I was surprised, in a really good way," he admits. "I did not see that coming. I thought it was a brilliant stroke of writing and storytelling that sets the show up really nicely for next [season]."

Calling it "organic and authentic," the Will depicter says Alicia's decision to launch a new firm "makes sense [because] these seeds have been planted a while ago and they've been building... So much of the show is about Alicia's evolution personally and professionally and the moral tightrope she walks, and she's seen a lot of things as partner that haven't been very pleasant. So maybe she feels like this is an opportunity to explore running a business the way she wants."

Agreeing with exec. producer King who says Alicia tries to create distance between herself and Will by leaving Lockhart/Gardner, the actor thinks it may open a way for their official union in the future. "There are a lot of reasons why these two probably shouldn't be together, and one of the big reasons is he's her boss," he explains.

"And you take that element out of it and... while I don't think it necessarily means they're going to immediately end up together or anything, it takes out one obstacle. Alicia is not going to be working under Will."

In the meantime, fans can look forward to seeing Alicia and Will as professional rivals. "It's going to be interesting to see them be competitors," Charles gushes. "I think it's going to bring out a lot of great conflict, both for the show and those two characters." 

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